IV h – The sacrifice of Isaac: Establishing Ownership of the First Born Male

The next evening a familiar sage assumed the role once again of teacher. This was the woman who had addressed the group earlier. Yeshu, arriving early at the fire pit, asked the sage, “Why are these people in the story so different from us? Why don’t they respect women and share with them? Why are their women and children enslaved and kept as chattel? Why does their god allow . . .”

The sage stopped Yeshu short, “It is because they are asleep and have yet to awaken. These people function only in the world of material pursuits, they have no knowledge of their true spiritual nature. Their egos drive them in pursuit of their desires to the exclusion of all else. In their delusional, ego driven state, all is beneath them. They are like errant children who believe their parents have delivered the world to them for their pleasure alone. Therefore women, children, animals, in fact all Eloheim’s bounty are mere toys to play with and discard at their leisure. The others have arrived, we will continue this discussion later.”

She addressed the group, “Welcome children, tonight we have a horror story that provides a basis for the Mikdash’s sacrificial system. In this story the kohanim reclaim the son they have provided for Abraham and Sarah. But there is a bloody twist to the story, a twist that results in the authority’s claim to all the children of the pure blood as their sole property.

An authority unsure of their position will feel the need to test their subjects’ loyalty, and so it was with Abraham. The authority had delivered a son to Abraham and Sarah and now they would use the boy as not only a test of loyalty, but to establish a legal precedence for the sacrificial redemption of all the children of the pure blood. These children now become property that must be redeemed from their god by means of a sacrifice.To this end they sent a kohein to call on Abraham. We now continue with the story of Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac:


“Yes my lord, I am here!”

The kohein commanded, “Abraham, take thy son we have given you and travel to yonder hills and await our presence for there we will then instruct you in your next task.”

So Abraham took Isaac up into the surrounding hills. That evening the two camped. With their evening meal finished, Isaac was soon fast asleep. A priest, dressed in long black robes, emerged from the darkness and approached Abraham who sat staring into the dying embers of the fire.

Abraham looked up at the figure who then spoke. “You are to take your son to the land we call Moriah. Once there, we will provide further instruction as to which mountain you are to go, for this is the place where the authority resides. There, you will offer your son Isaac in tribute to our authority.”

Abraham looked at the angent with disbelief and cried out, “But why, for was it not your authority that provided this son in the first place? With his loss, I will loose a valuable portion of the productive effort required to tend my herds, likewise I will also lose the heir promised to me.”

But the figure simply turned away saying, “Plans change, suck it up Abraham. In three days time prepare to make your tribute.”

So Abraham saddled his ass and took Isaac, along with two of his men, and traveled to the place they called Moriah.

Three days later they arrived at the authority’s mountain stronghold. Abraham told his men to remain there with his ass while he took Isaac up to the mountain to worship. Abraham and Isaac arrived at the prescribed place at the prescribed hour. What lay before them was the mountain stronghold of the authority where the kohanim maintained their military forces and the place from which they issued their commands.

Set in the face of the high walls of the stronghold was a massive gate made of aged wood and reinforced with bars of black iron. As Abraham struck the thick wood with his staff he said to Isaac, “Bow your head in fealty for before you is the face of our god, the authority that rules over us!”

The staff produced a series of hollow cracking sounds echoing loudly within the gate, prompting Isaac to recall another impression. “Father I know this place for I remember coming here once in the days before I was delivered unto you and mother.”

Almost immediately the huge gate opened by two men armed with spears and wearing the shining armor of the authority. The two were met inside the gate by twelve men attired in black robes, their faces hidden deep in the folds of their hoods. The men in black were led by one dressed in blood red robes.

The authority in red said not a word, but motioned Abraham and Isaac to follow. The procession walked slowly towards a large plaza surrounded by stone columns elaborately decorated with ornate carvings of figures.

The carved figures were grotesquely frozen in stone, performing the very acts of sacrifice assigned to Abraham. The black robed men formed a row of two with the last man holding the lead of a ram. The twelve followed Abraham and Isaac as they lead the procession into the plaza. Upon entering the plaza the procession moved towards a large, elevated, rectangular table of stone upon whose legs were also carved figures of the sacrifice.

These figures were of four animals, the young bullock, the sheep, the ram, and the goat. The table had a deep trough cut into the perimeter. A perpendicular trough, leading from the perimeter, angled steeply to the ground where any drainage would flow into an open grate leading underground.

The figure in the red robe lifted the boy, laying him out on the table; he then turned to Abraham. Holding forth a sharp gleaming blade, the priest in red intoned in eerily cracking, raspy voice, “We live for blood, we die for blood, we are the people of the pure blood! Ours is the blood of a pure race. Abraham has raised this boy to provide tribute to our system of authority. Know henceforth that, by this linage, all the children of our pure blood belong to our authority and must serve us.

“The sacrifice of the pure blood of this boy Isaac will henceforth signify this condition of our authority over those children of the pure blood. With this act we claim the use of these children of our blood for those needs we deem necessary. Therefore Abraham, I now task you with this sacrifice. You will take this knife and slit this boy’s throat ear to ear and drain his blood completely from his body and that blood shall fall upon the ground of this place so that it might serve to nourish our authority.”

Taking the knife, Abraham put it to Isaac’s throat saying, “For this act of murder I am about to commit, I am truly sorry.”

Isaac tried comforting Abraham, “Fear not father, the authority has delivered me unto you and now the authority will take me back, for this act I hold you innocent.”

Grasping the blade tightly, Abraham was fully committed to driving the blade home. But before he could complete the action, a strong hand shot out from the red robed figure stopping him short. “Stop Abraham! There is another way!”

Blinking in disbelief, Abraham questioned, “How might I spare this son you have provided for my heir?”

The boney finger of the authority emerged from the sleeve of his robe, to point towards the young ram. “Take this ram and sacrifice it instead, for it will henceforth be accepted as sacrificial tribute in place of a child of the pure blood.”

The black robed figure handed over the ram’s lead, whereupon Abraham hoisted it upon the table to slit its throat, bleeding it to death. The fresh blood, pumping from the ram’s severed jugular vein, splattered and flowed over Abraham and Isaac. As the flowing blood saturated the onlookers the robed figures went into a state of ecstatic joy, dancing and reveling in the bath of fresh blood that flowed freely upon the table into the trough and down the drain.

After bleeding the animal out, it was butchered. A portion of meat approximating ten percent of the total was taken by the authority; the remainder was salted, wrapped and given to Abraham. The remaining fat and viscera was burned upon the alters positioned at both ends of the sacrificial table.

As a greasy, black pillar of smoke curled towards the azure sky, the red robed authority spoke, “It is done, by this act a precedence has now been set. From this point forward, the authority’s ownership of all children of the pure blood can be redeemed by a sacrificial animal.”

The ceremony now complete, a great feast was held and all ate the meat of the sacrificial ram. The next morning Abraham and Isaac set out to return to their home. Approaching the massive gate in anticipation of departure, the red robed authority stopped Abraham, “You have passed our test with unfurled banners high aloft. You were ready to sacrifice your son, one of our own, without hesitation. By this action we are now certain of your unwavering loyalty to our authority. Therefore, from this point forward you are to be admitted into our full confidence. Abraham, on this day we welcome you into our fold of authority.”

And so Abraham and Isaac departed though the wood and iron gate of the stronghold.

The sage concluded her narration, “It must never be forgotten that should the need arise, no one, not even members of the pure blood, are exempt from sacrifice. For the collective body of the authority is always held superior to the individual, even the bodies of those of the pure blood. This is the lesson of an official act that represents recognition of man’s fealty to the authority.

“You will also note the elaborate act put on by the authority. Pomp and ceremony is important in inculcating the proper frame of mind in men, especially those tasked with difficult or unpleasant actions. Therefore, a sacrifice of the pure blood will always be viewed as a solemnly sacred act.

“Know that the perceived exclusivity of membership in a pure blood line solidifies the blood identity, providing solidarity among those so initiated. Those souls sacrificed in that name are never to be forgotten, for this remembrance may always be harkened back to at a later time for purposes beneficial to the authority.

“Know too, the children of a people are their future labor force and that labor is precious for increasing a people’s productive efforts and is critical to advancing one’s personal wealth. Therefore by assuming ownership of a peoples’ children from birth, the authority has assumed a significant portion of their productivity.

“It is this legal possession of a child that creates the demand for a sacrifice of a portion of the father’s wealth to be willfully extracted. Also herein lies the lesson of testing one’s loyalty, for when one is tested with the loss of their most valuable possessions, their true nature will be perceived.

“Finally, remember this paramount lesson: The future of a people is always accessed through their children. For in this concept lies the most important lesson for controlling a people over time. The hour is late, there is much work to be done on the morrow. Let us end this evening’s story and turn to our beds.”

All text is copyrighted and sole property of the author. The contents of this web site may be used freely as long as its content remains unchanged. And if any man changes the content of this book, of this explanation of truth, God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city and from the things which are written in this book. Go ahead – make God’s day.

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